Spot the Self-Portrait: How Many Famous Artists Can You Identify? [Quiz]

Famous Self-Portrait Art History Quiz

Throughout the history of art, many artists have turned to self-portraits as a means of expression. For some artists, like Frida Kahlo, the self-portrait is an important part of their artistry and a way to express their emotions. But this type of painting is nothing new. From the Renaissance to Cubism, artists have always looked to themselves as models. So what better way to test your familiarity with art than this fun self-portrait quiz?

While you may recognize all the names on our quiz, do you know what these artists look like? Test yourself by viewing 20 self-portraits of well-known artists and then identifying whose portrait you’re looking at. We’ve thrown in a few softballs, but there are plenty of images that will ask you to dig deep into your knowledge of art history. Give it a try and then, if you need to, familiarize yourself with even more famous self-portraits.


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