Yoda Bookend Uses the Force to Keep Your Shelf Organized

Yoda Bookend

Photo: frmacleod

Master Yoda is a beloved part of the Star Wars universe, and now, it’s not only Luke Skywalker that gets to benefit from his help. Your books can have a much needed boost thanks to this charming Yoda bookend, which features a slanted metal frame and a tiny portrait of the Jedi master. When in use, it appears that Yoda is summoning the power of the Force to prop up a selection of your favorite lightweight books.

Redditor frmacelod showed the striking effect that the Star Wars bookend can have on your space. For ordinary shelving, the design is an effective way to add quirkiness to your decor, but its single color and clean lines make it a subtle nod to Star Wars fandom. It’s perfect for the adult that loves to indulge their geeky side yet wants to effortlessly complement the rest of their furnishings.

The Yoda bookend is now available through the Hallmark online shop. And if you’re looking for other fun book accessories, My Modern Met Store has bookmarks inspired by other pop culture icons like Harry Potter and the Wicked Witch.

Need some help in organizing your shelf? This Star Wars bookend features Master Yoda using the power of the force to prop up your favorite texts.

Star Wars BookendStar Wars BookendYoda Bookend: Website
h/t: [reddit]

All images via Hallmark unless otherwise noted.

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