Little Girl Drew Her Dream Dress, So Her Loving Grandma Actually Made It For Her

Today, many up-and-coming companies are finding imaginative ways to turn children’s drawings into real-life creations. From custom-printed frocks to huggable stuffed animals, aspiring artists are now able to see their dream designs come to life. While these modern businesses are an excellent way to promote creativity, one lucky little girl has learned that no company can compare to a crafty grandma.

According to a post on Reddit, an unnamed girl had drawn a picture of her dream dress. Featuring the frills and ruffles characteristic of a classic Disney princess gown, the design looked like something reserved for a fairytale. However, upon seeing the pink-pen drawing, the little girl’s cute grandma decided to make her fantasy a reality by creating a real-life replica of the garment.

When the little girl’s father saw the dress, he was amazed by the woman’s admirable effort and obvious talent. “Came home from work yesterday and Grandma was over giving her the dress,” he explains on Reddit. “I was obviously impressed.” Since sharing a side-by-side image of the design and the dress on Reddit, the post has gone viral, with users simultaneously praising the girl’s artistic skills, the grandmother’s handiwork, and, above all else, the beauty of their relationship. “Having it come from her imagination and through grandma’s hands is just incredible,” one Redditor commented. “This is a wonderful gift that will be cherished for years.”

When a fashion-loving little girl shared her gown illustration with her family, her grandmother decided to turn her dream dress drawing into a reality.

Dream Dress Drawing Cute Grandma

Redditor Mashpup decided to then draw a new version of the girl as a Disney Princess.

Dream Dress Drawing Cute Grandma

Photo: Mashpup

And being the polite Disney Princess that she is, the little girl sent back her gratitude through an Imgur photo.

h/t: [Reddit]

All images via ritomynamewontfi unless otherwise stated.

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