Nighttime Photos of Hong Kong and China’s Neon-Soaked Back Alleys

marilyn mugot night photography hong kong

When Parisian fashion photographer and graphic designer Marilyn Mugot joined Instagram, she suddenly had a newfound creative outlet for her artistry. Inspired by the cinematography of films by Ridley Scott and Stanley Kubrick, she soon found herself traveling the globe and shooting new perspectives of urban landscapes.

Primarily working after the sun goes down, her Night Project is filled with eerie shots of Paris, San Francisco, and New York. “I prefer to work at night because it’s exciting,” she confesses. “The lights and the elements take on mystical and secret dimensions which are not always real but a result of my imagination.”

Some of the most eye-catching images in the series were captured during a six-week voyage to China. Here, the neon streets of Hong Kong, Chongqing, and Guilin were Mugot’s playground. The results are a masterclass in artistic night photography that would make her cinematic muses proud.

She takes us through small back alleys and presents a China largely devoid of humans. Through her lens, China’s architecture, bathed in glowing fuchsia and blue hues, takes on mysteriously fantastical quality.

Follow Mugot’s night wanderings via Instagram or her fashion photography through her second account.

marilyn mugot night photography hong kongmarilyn mugot night photography hong kongmarilyn mugot night photography hong kongmarilyn mugot artistic photography hong kongmarilyn mugot artistic photography hong kongmarilyn mugot night photography hong kongmarilyn mugot night photography hong kongmarilyn mugot artistic photography hong kongMarilyn Mugot: Website | Instagram
h/t: [DesignTAXI]

All images via Marilyn Mugot.

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