Quirky Artist’s New Ingenious Mashups of Two Totally Different Photos

Stephen McMennamy combophotos

Creative director and Instagram star Stephen McMennamy sees the world differently from the rest of us. For him, seemingly disparate people, places, and things are the recipe for his playful mashups that create fictitious hybrids from unlikely fusions. His popular #ComboPhotos series features two images spliced and carefully positioned together so that they produce one believably unbelievable form.

In McMennamy’s wild imagination, anything is possible. An elephant trunk sprouts a leafy palm tree while an electric guitar is an unlikely bridge into a bustling metropolis. His bold color and mastery of Photoshop creates the illusion that these juxtapositions could be real. We, for one, would love to see his idea of bacon on a popsicle stick come to life.

Since we first marveled at his work in 2015,  McMennamy has ventured into the world of video. Check out some of his hilarious motion pictures that bring the wittiness of #ComboPhotos to life. And if you want to see his unpolished “fails,” he’s recently made a second Instagram account called @combophotofail.

Stephen McMennamy combophotosStephen McMennamy combophotosStephen McMennamy combophotosStephen McMennamy combophotosStephen McMennamy combophotosStephen McMennamy combophotosStephen McMennamy combophotosStephen McMennamy combophotosStephen McMennamy combophotosStephen McMennamy combophotosStephen McMennamy combophotosStephen McMennamy combophotosStephen McMennamy combophotosStephen McMennamy combophotosStephen McMennamy combophotosStephen McMennamy combophotosStephen McMennamy combophotosStephen McMennamy combophotosStephen McMennamy combophotos

Here are a few of McMennamy’s combo videos:

#Combophotos: Website | Instagram | Tumblr

All photos via Stephen McMennamy.

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