Adorable Felted Food Pairs Designed to Fit Together Perfectly

Adorable Wool Egg Pair

There’s someone for everyone, even in the world of felted creatures. Crafter Hannah Dovhan produces adorable foodies from wool that have the same type of sweet personalities you’d find in real people. The happy characters don big smiles and even silly mustaches, linking arms (or stems) as a way to symbolize the unbreakable bonds of friendship and love.

Dovhan’s handiwork—and her recurring theme of companionship—is best exemplified in the avocado and egg creations. Here, she’s halved the foods, allowing them to be displayed in a couple of ways: you can separate them to show their bright-eyed faces, or fit them together to make the pieces whole. Either way, it’s incredibly cute.

Dovhan sells her felted sculptures through her Etsy shop.

Cute Wool FoodiesAdorable Avocado PairAdorable Felted AvocadoCompanionship In Happy Felted CherriesFriendship Between Wool Pear CharactersUnbreakable Bond Between Adorable Felted Food CharactersHannah Dovhan: Tumblr | Etsy
via [Lost At E Minor]

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