Photographers Document the Soulful Streets of Havana During Obama’s Visit to Cuba

By pure chance, street photography duo Dom and Liam–a sister and brother pair that makes up York Place Studios–chose to visit Havana, Cuba during the country’s first visit by a sitting U.S. President in 90 years. Their stunning, colorful images manage to capture the expectancy and excitement that brimmed along the streets of the city during this period of change. Through their lens the two were also able to showcase a warmth and soul that flows throughout Cuba. At the heart of their project, they discovered that Havana’s identity is truly formed by the people that live there.

Dom and Liam found the reception from the people of Cuba to be remarkable. The two street photographers are accustomed to a much more hostile response during their shoots, and were positively struck by the warmth and openness with which they were received. Despite the poverty they endure, the citizens of Havana consistently extended a friendly and welcome attitude which stuck with the photographers long after the project was completed.

Their amazing images were taken entirely using their Fuji X-Pro2. The composition of each photo showcases the pair’s exceptional skill as they present images that are cleverly lit with a unique choice of focal characters. The series also pays close attention to Havana’s extraordinary architecture, which is complemented by the shiny, vintage cars (from the 40’s and 50’s) that frame the city streets. These details all come together to lend a sense of “faded opulence [gathered] from a forgotten time” to Dom and Liam’s visual narrative that celebrates the vivid cultural scene of the country.

York Place Studios: Website | Facebook | Instagram
via [PetalPixel]

My Modern Met granted permission to use photos by York Place Studio.

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