Simple Charts Express the Relatable Humor and Frustrations of Everyday Life

Designer Chaz Hutton has created an ongoing series of charts that focus less on the facts and more on the funny, frustrating, and relatable things that happen in our daily lives. On Instagram, where he’s known as @instachaaz, he shares simple graphs drawn on yellow sticky notes, which cover everything from furniture to coffee to weekend plans.

Hutton’s hilarious handiwork is inspired by the little things in life. One of his popular charts features the highs and lows that come with coffee consumption–specifically, alternating between the intense peaks and valleys. The relatable nature of his topics will leave you thinking, “Oh yeah. I’ve been there!” The same goes for his graphs about binge-watching television or getting out of bed when your room is freezing. With each, you’re sure to start shaking your head in confirmation, making these an entertaining way to reflect on the everyday.

Chaz Hutton: Instagram | Medium
via [This Isn’t Happiness]

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