Impressionist-Inspired Landscapes Fuse Photography with Painting to Blur Fantasy and Reality

Artist Stev’nn Hall fuses painting and photography to create stunning landscapes that blur the line between fantasy and reality. After studying the two disciplines in school, he combines the precise, documentary eye of photographs with the uninhibited splatters of brush strokes. The results are striking, Impressionist-style compositions rich in color and texture, boasting areas of intricate detail as well as large, diffused fields of pigment.

Hall’s mixed-media creations feature grandiose scenes of farmland, tranquil lakes, and Monet-inspired ponds dotted with lily pads. For him, the intertwining of paint and photographs signifies the “dualistic wonder of a young mind,” and together, they walk the fine line between childhood and imagined adulthood. Hall explains these pieces as, “Lost in the comfort of innocence but gripped by the fear of the oncoming adult world–exploring the realms of nature and awareness as both magical and menacing.” With all of their natural beauty and splendor, however, it looks as though there is nothing to fear of the future.

Stev’nn Hall: Website | Tumblr
via [Culture N Lifestyle]

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