Slanted Modular Shelving Unit Requires No Glue, Screws, or Complex Instructions

If you’ve ever assembled a piece of furniture, you know that it can be a complex challenge. But, what if we told you that there’s a shelving system out there that doesn’t require glue or screws? Designer Aurlien Veyrat of Objet Optimis has created a piece known as the L Shelf, which utilizes a simple design to help users store their beloved possessions. “L is a single module, a piece of bentwood, the logical result of the meeting with a carpentry workshop specialized in bending wood,” the creator writes. “L is playful and adapts. L is to storage what stone is to building: the original element, the basis of creation and the expression of modularity. Whatever your needs, L is the comma that punctuates space without limitation.”

Essentially, the L Shelf is composed of hassle-free wood segments that perfectly fit together. Better yet, you can make your shelf as big or small as you’d like, depending on how many of the L-shaped modules you choose to interlock into one another. The L Shelf is now available to order through Objet Optimis’s online shop.

L Shelf: Website
via [Contemporist]

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