Invigorating Instagram Feed Highlights Kaleidoscopic Architecture of the World

Inspired by his love of both architecture and photography, graphic designer Ramin Nasibov created an Instagram account where he posts photos of captivating architectural structures. “In everyday life, most places and buildings are a gray parody of themselves,” Nasibov explains on Bored Panda. “Still, there are unique examples that I post and represent from another perspective. Another way of seeing these places is what breathes life into them, just like the day they were born.”

In terms of the images that he chooses, Nasibov seeks out three specific qualities: minimalism, symmetry, and vibrant colors. On their own, these three characteristics allow each individual piece of architecture to stand out. But, when these details are combined on Nasibov’s feed, as a whole, they transform the Instagram page into a visual journey of kaleidoscopic colors and designs.

Ramin Nasibov: Website | Instagram | Behance
via [Bored Panda]

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