Photographer Watches for Years as Stories Naturally Unfold around a Solitary "Broccoli Tree"

Since 2013, Swedish photographer Patrik Svedberg has been capturing unique shots of a single tree (which has since been dubbed The Broccoli Tree) and its ever-changing surroundings. “I pass this tree on my way to the studio and on May 12 I took the first photo of this tree with my broken iPhone – you can actually see a black dot in the grass that is dirt inside the phone lens,” explains Svedberg on the project’s website.

The Broccoli Tree itself appears unremarkable, but it’s the stories that unfold around it that make each snapshot interesting. As the large tree remains in the center of the frame, the skies behind it, the earth all around it seem to change with the seasons, and time in general. In some instances, the camera lens is coated in ice. Other times, there is a clear view of the isolated tree or various people populating the area around it. What is perhaps most fascinating is the background sky throughout the year, which showcases dazzling starry nights, the spectacular Northern Lights, and blue skies with fluffy white clouds.

“I often get the question – ‘What’s the story about the tree?’” says the artist. “If there is one, I’m writing it right now.” He adds, “Yes the tree is the main character, but the stories wrap around it more than the tree is conducting it, and each photo has its own story. It’s in the small details and very often with a humorous twist. Just ‘beautiful’ would bore me to death.”

The Broccoli Tree Website
The Broccoli Tree Instagram 
Patrik Svedberg’s Website
via [Instagram Blog]

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