Intimate Portraits of Gypsies Recreated in the Style of the Old Masters

In his series The Dream Goes Over Time, Madrid-based photographer Pierre Gonnord recreates the Old Master painting style in this timeless portrait series featuring Portuguese Alentejo gypsies. Gonnord, who seeks to use art to give voices to marginalized people, frames his subjects as royal figures, and they respond with piercing, regal gazes. Many of the subjects have never been photographed before, and the pictures become defining images for them.

These nomadic families inhabit Europe’s Iberian Peninsula terrain that is largely untouched by modern influences. Carving out a living amid the arid conditions, they breed Lusitano and Sorraia horses, cultivate crops and travel by mule cart.

The photographer didn’t simply arrive at the encampments and immediately begin shooting photos. He spent extensive time beforehand getting to know his subjects. This background of mutual understanding infuses the intimate portraits with a deep sense of meaning.

Pierre Gonnord’s website
via [Feature Shoot]


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