Miniature Bridge Created for Adorable Guinea Pigs’ Daily Commute

The Nagasaki Bio Park in Sakai, Japan has brought us some of the cutest “commuters” imaginable – guinea pigs! In this zoo, the adorable creatures have multiple play areas that they travel between. Zookeepers built a miniature bridge to make it easy for the guinea pigs to maneuver from one place to another.

This passageway is both useful as well as entertaining for visitors, who photograph and take video of the little rodents traveling along their wooden path. And, the documentation highlights just how well-behaved the guinea pigs are. They walk calm and orderly in a single-file line. No one is trying to cut in front of anyone or be disruptive. If only human commutes could be so peaceful!

Above photo credit: @toma_san

Nagasaki Bio Park website
via [Lost At E Minor and RocketNews24]

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