Illustrator Draws Hilarious New Movie Titles Created from One-Letter Typos

You might not regularly consider just how much a single letter can matter in a word, but as illustrator Austin Light shows us, it can mean a lot. The self-described geek spent the month of October drawing Reddit movie title “typos.” Each day, he completed a different artwork depicting a fictitious film created by omitting one letter. Training Day suddenly became Raining Day without the all-important T; Mr. and Mrs. Smith were transformed from human actors to Star Wars characters in Mr. and Mrs. Sith.

The hilarious names originated from a subreddit that instructs people to subtract a letter from a film title and come up with its new plot. Light selected some of his favorites and brought them to life in his sketchbook; the Reddit community was amused and impressed with his skill. He’s even started selling the Pup Fiction image in his Society6 store.

Light completed these sketches as part of Inktober, an event that was started by artist Jake Parker in 2009. It’s now a yearly, global drawing challenge where people create a daily non-digital artwork during October. Here are some of our favorites from Light’s month of drawing!

Above: Rave, Originally Brave

Ron Man, Originally Iron Man

Alen, Originally Alien

Raining Day, Originally Training Day

Beauty and the Beat, Originally Beauty and the Beast

Pup Fiction, Originally Pulp Fiction

Fight Cub, Originally Fight Club

Pollo 13, Originally Apollo 13

Jurassic Par, Originally Jurassic Park

Obocop, Originally Robocop

Mr. and Mrs. Sith, Originally Mr. and Mrs. Smith

Austin Light website
Austin Light Reddit post

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