Wearable Drone Flies off Your Wrist to Snap a Photo and Boomerangs Back

Drone technology is interesting enough by itself, but when you strap a camera on it, the pairing can yield some awe-inspiring results. We’ve recently seen what it can do in the first annual Dronestagram Photo Contest – how amazing are those images? Now, a team of engineers and scientists have created a concept for Nixie, a wearable drone and camera. It works by popping off your wrist, turning into a quadcopter drone, and taking video or pictures in the air. You can even put it in “boomerang” mode and have it fly back to you!

This incredible project is currently one of the finalist in Intel’s Make It Wearable competition. The finale is on November 3, 2014, so we’ll have to find out how the team fares. Even still, this idea has a ton of potential; Nixie has visions of the wearable technology taking off and returning via gesture control.

Check out the video below to see how Nixie could work!

Nixie website and Facebook page
via [Visual News]

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