Traditional Porcelain Figurines Covered in Colorful Tattoos

These delicate and dainty porcelain female figurines, entitled The Painted Ladies, have a bit of a modern twist to them. Created by Scotland-based artist Jessica Harrison, each meticulously sculpted form has soft features, pastel gowns, and the glossy skin of a traditional, handcrafted collectible. However, Harrison has altered the viewer’s expectations by covering the smooth skin with a series of colorful tattoos.

The artist’s work extensively explores the relationship between the interior and exterior spaces of the body and how these two elements coexist. According to her bio, “Harrison proposes a multi-directional and pervasive model of skin as a space in which body and world mingle.” Through her imaginative work, Harrison introduces the concept of tattooing, a modification of the skin, and raises questions about if this creative covering affects the internal space of each girl.

Harrison’s first solo exhibit, FLASH, opens today at Galerie L.J. in Paris, and will be on display through June 24, 2014.

Jessica Harrison’s website
via [Arrested Motion], [Colossal]

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