This intriguing series by photographer Jasper Doest features a glimpse into the peculiar world of wild Japanese macaque, also known as snow monkeys. At one point in their existence, in a perfect example of adaptation, these creatures developed a system for staying warm by bathing in the hot springs in the surrounding area. Doest explains, “Now, only some decades later, they not only bath on a daily basis, the life of these highly intelligent monkeys seem to have adapted to this aquatic environment.”
The bathing process has become a popular place for people to observe and photograph the wild monkeys in their unique, natural habitat. In the series, Doest documented the animals as they splashed and played, as well as when they enjoyed a quiet moment along the side of the springs. His many striking, intimate images include scenes when, for example, a small, furry head peeks out of the water and stares back, directly into the camera.
The Netherlands-based photographer finds his inspiration from nature. He documents the beautiful world around us, bringing all kinds of rare experiences to his viewers. He says, “I owe a lot to the natural world and photography is my way to give something back.”
Jasper Doest’s website
via [Lustik]