Pic of the Day: Chicago’s Frozen Shadows

Today’s Pic of the Day is this stunning shot called Chicago’s Frozen Shadows. Taken by photographer Mike Lavoie, with special help from his pilot Tony T., it shows Chicago’s dramatic skyline from the vantage point of a Cessna airplane. Most breathtaking of all are the long shadows the sun and the skyscrapers have created on top of the water. Dramatic and beautiful.

“This was my first time in a small airplane,” Lavoie tells us. “The sheer luck of being in the right place at the right time is quite evident in this image. I wanted to tag along with a pilot flying around the lake front of Chicago so I dropped off a business card at a small landing strip in Hobart, Indiana and got a call the next day from Tony who said he had to keep his hours up to keep his pilots license current.

“I think the lessons for me are to keep trying, find ways to express myself creatively, and be ready when the phone rings to go on an exciting adventure.”

Mike Lavoie on Flickr

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