Colorful Aerial View of Blossoming Tulip Fields

From overhead, these geometric patterns are like vibrant, abstract paintings. In reality, the stripes of color, organized into square segments, are actually an aerial view of tulip fields in the Netherlands. To capture the visually appealing spectacle of horticulture, French photographer Normann Szkop hired pilot Claython Pender to transport him high up into the clouds in a small plane. By flying over the tulip fields in the town of Anna Paulowna, Szkop was able to gain a unique perspective of the gorgeous display. Through his photography, he documented the rows of bulbs in their various rainbows of captivating blossoms.

Each year, tourists flock to the Netherlands to see the brightly colored fields during the months of March through May. Seeing the fields from the ground is interesting, but the true beauty is found by experiencing the thousands of flowers from above. According to Szkop’s website, the tulip is a loved symbol in the Netherlands, and the country annually exports the bulbs in large quantities to hundreds of countries worldwide.

via [Twisted Sifter]

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