Amazing Reinterpretation of Michelangelo’s Piet

Belgium-based artist Jan Fabre created five magnificent white marble sculptures based on variations of Michelangelo’s Piet, the iconic image of Mary cradling the dead body of her son Jesus in her arms. Adding his own unique twist, Fabre puts himself in the place of the Christ figure and replaces Mary’s face with a skull.

Fabre’s interpretation presents concepts such as grief and acceptance, death and rebirth as well as man’s capacity for imagination, inventiveness and art. The brain also plays a key role in this work. Each brain symbolizes paganism, universal religions, and the idea of empathy. “The Nobel prize winning scientist Rizzolati has proven that empathy is a feeling that doesn’t come from the heart, but comes directly from the brain and is registered in our neurons,” says Fabre.

The sculptures were first featured during the 54th Venice Biennale, last year, and can now be seen in Antwerp, Belgium through September 23, 2012.

Jan Fibre’s website
via [Appregia[, [Vogue], [Art Daily]

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