Two Sides of Personality Dramatically Rise to the Surface

We all have hidden aspects of our personality that we don’t always want others to see. Whether it’s a private and reflective moment or a secret that we don’t want to share with others, we all have the ability to shield pieces of ourselves from the world. In these portraits, a series entitled Two Sides of Personality, Japanese artist Miki Takahashi decided to visually bring the many sides of a person’s personality to the surface.

In the black and white images, ghostly faces blend naturally together with buildings, landscapes, and flowers. Just as there is no distinct divide between the happy and sad sides of our own personality, these intertwining images leave no distinct divide between the edge of one face and the beginning of another. The monochromatic shapes and tones blur into one collective and expressive composition. Takahashi chooses what to reveal and conceal in her photographs and her viewers are left to reflect on the mystery of what is hidden beneath the surface.

Miki Takahashi on Behance
via [It’s Complicated]

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