Mood Wall Designed to Improve Mental Health

Do you ever have those days when you just feel like you’re in a funk? You just can’t shake those heavy, sinking feelings? Maybe you’re feeling stressed, empty, scared or stuck. In essence, you just don’t feel like yourself.

As a way to improve mental health in Canada, Blok Design worked with Partners for Mental Health to come up with a way to draw people into a conversation, encouraging an open dialogue. Using bright colors that represented a spectrum of moods, they got people on the street to, literally, wear their emotions on their sleeves.

Called the “Not Myself Today” campaign, it included a huge wall adorned with mood pins in a rainbow of colors. Located in the heavily traveled intersection in Toronto, it invited people to pick out their mood and wear it for all to see.

“The bold rainbow of colours acted as a lightning rod, drawing people in, while the simple act of selecting their mood sparked dialogue, released stories and inspired hundreds of pledges of support.”

Blok Design website

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