Drum Kit Transformed Into an Innovative Chandelier

drum chandelier

Talented welder Matt Ludwig recently installed this Drum Kit Chandelier as the central focus of JJ’s Red Hots, a restaurant featuring hot dogs and located in Charlotte, North Carolina. When the place was first being built, co-founder and friend Jonathan Luther immediately kept an eye out for a great place to feature Ludwig’s incredible abilities as a welder.

According to JJ’s official blog, they selected a drum fixture for the center of the restaurant as a tribute to the former restaurant on the site, The Drum. From rough sketches in January to the final product seen here, Ludwig’s installation transforms a generally bulky set of equipment into a delicate and elegant lighting system. Props to Ludwig and the JJ’s Red Hots team for coming up with such an impressive and inventive design element for restaurant visitors to enjoy.

Matt Ludwig created a one-of-a-kind drum chandelier that rocks!

light drum chandelierlight drum chandelierdrum chandelier pendantdrum chandelier pendantMatt Ludwig’s website
JJ’s Red Hots website
via [Ian Brooks]

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