Intricate Portrait Stencils Form Lettered Messages

I absolutely love these stenciled artworks by Orticanoodles, the pieces are fantastic! Orticanoodles is a pseudonym for two Italian artists, Wally and Alita. The very active and close artist pair started with handmade posters, moved into street art, and quickly became part of major urban guerrilla campaigns.

The team’s most recent work, these Stencil on Stencil pieces, are a collection of portraits of famous leaders, TV personalities, celebrities, and artists, combined with intricate stencil techniques. When referring to the subjects of these stencils, the team says, “All of them are shelled and brutalized…so they loose their superficial side, their public image, making them empty skulls. Sometimes this process is done as a form of social criticism and sometimes, simply, to mythicize Death.”

At first glance you may miss the finely cut lettering that spells out a different message on each piece. Upon closer investigation, viewers may find that the message simply repeats the duos pseudonym “Orticanoodles,” or it may be more complicated, left for the viewer to discover. Either way, these unique pieces of art are worth checking out!

Orticanoodles website
via [Lustik]

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