New Jersey’s Empty Sky 9/11 Memorial

Empty Sky is New Jersey’s 9/11 memorial, dedicated to the 746 New Jersey lives lost on that day. The memorial is located right next to the Hudson River in Liberty State Park, where many people first witnessed the tragic events. The park was used as a place to organize collaborative efforts within the community, and the placement of the memorial draws a clear line to the Manhattan skyline, right to the spot where the towers once stood.

The stainless steel walls stand 30 feet tall with a 12 foot path in between them, and the length of the panels is 208 feet 10 inches long, the exact length of one of the tower’s sides. The reflective quality of the stainless steel material allows the memorial to adapt to the changing light during the day and creates a halo effect at dawn and dusk. It also lets people see their own reflection when looking at the names, which have been engraved at a height of about 4 inches each.

Designed by Frederic Schwartz Architects, the memorial plaque reads, “Let this memorial reflect the legacies of those whose lives were lost, that their unfulfilled dreams and hopes may result in a better future for society. Their unique qualities and characteristics enriched our lives immeasurably, and through this memorial their stories shall live on.”

via [CollabCubed, Society for Environmental Graphic Design, Wall Street Journal, New Jersey 9/11 Memorial Foundation, Schwartz Architects,, Reena Rose, Carroll County Times,, Totally Cool Pix]

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