Photographer Kanoa Zimmerman is a world traveler who takes us with him on his exotic adventures. In his latest series titled Free Dive, we get a glimpse of the stunning and vast underwater universe that surrounds a distant set of islands in Northeast Fiji. Unlike other photographers who submerge into the depths of the world’s deepest oceans to capture a splurge of color, Zimmerman chooses to keep the color scheme simple by muting out the multihues of underwater life without subduing its beauty.
The monochromatic shots of deep sea divers, spear-fishers, and their prey are breathtaking documentations of the elegant underseas. Zimmerman frames such striking scenes by opting to sink below his subjects and catch them at a higher angle. One image portrays a school of fish serenely gliding by up above. Without the wetsuits and oxygen tanks, the divers appear like dancers floating in mid-air. There is a remarkable gracefulness to these aquatic explorers and an inexplicable magnificence to the immeasurable underwater communities that the photographer manages to capture and translate through his work.
Selected prints of Free Dive are currently on sale through Mollusk Surf Shop.