Skillful Yarn Bombing Street Art

Yarn bombing, there’s just no stopping it! This expressive and crafty form of street art is literally covering the nation. Yarn-bombing artists everywhere work to wrap mundane objects like street signs, buses, stairs, and poles with colorful patterns and knitted stripes that brighten up the world.

Magda Sayeg, known as the “mother of yarn bombing,” founded Knitta Please in 2005 and now works fulltime to bring life to this skillful artform. Ironically, she admittedly rarely knits. She said that her main motivation is, “To encourage others to create and participate. I love it when another artist’s work inspires me to rethink my surroundings, my job, my life.” She now works on commissioned installations and exhibits, and collaborates with corporations on larger projects, including the AC ductwork of the headquarters and an upcoming installation at the Williamsburg Bridge in NYC.

Magda Sayeg’s website
via [2photo]

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