Incredible Bullet Portraits

Abraham Lincoln, John Lennon, and John F. Kennedy, Jr. Besides being amazingly accomplished men and acting as inspirations for future generations, they each have something else in common. All were taken before their time by a bullet. Since their invention, bullets have been used for hunting or war, but now artist David Palmer is taking the discarded shells and creating phenomenal portraits of famous figures out of them. After collecting the empty shells, Palmer mounts them and, by using a hand torch, darkens the ends of the casings, creating shadows and gradients in the portraits’ faces. Each work is powerful, and by using this interesting medium, it adds both a unique depth and a very emotional feel to these pieces. In his art, Palmer hopes that viewers will “see the miracles that can arise from choosing to create rather than destroy.”

David Palmer’s website
via [If It’s Hip It’s Here]

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