Transformed to Look 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60-Years-Old

The power of a talented make up artist, a fine stylist, and precise lighting can transform any person. Taking a look back at a series of editorial images, in Vogue Paris from the November 2008 issue, shot by photography duo Inez van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin, it’s clear that a camera has replaced a time machine. In these groups of pictures, a girl is represented through different decades of her life ranging from the tender age of ten to the matured age of sixty. The catch is that all of these shots of model Eniko Mihalik were taken when she was just 20-years-old!

It’s absolutely unbelievable that the photographers, assisted by the stylings of Carine Roitfeld and make-up artistry of Lisa Butler, could compose such convincing renditions of Mihalik. While many people, especially in the fashion industry, seek to look younger, there is an attractive elegance to the images in which Mihalik is aged. The image that features the Hungarian model as though she has dipped into the fountain of youth, arising as a 10-year-old girl, is remarkable yet actually believable.

via [Design You Trust]

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