Radical Building Incorporates Green Design

What an interesting design! Located in Hong Kong, the 18 Kowloon East building is a new attempt at a mixed use building. Designed by architecture group Aedas, the architects decided that instead of creating another large office building, they would try and incorporate green design into the facade to help improve the environment and local area.

Spanning 28 stories tall, the building has floors that house a car-park. This area has been integrated with live plants which helps clean the air in and around it, as well as adds a splash of color into the largely industrial community. The plants look as though they are unzipping the concrete walls! The overall hope for the building is to contribute to the green effort and provide pedestrians with a better experience, both on the street and in the building. Small changes like this, to common buildings, offer a great impact in helping the environment.

Aedas’s website
via [Contemporist]

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