Mercedes Motion-Blur Illusion

If you love clever illusions that mess with your mind, then you’re going to get a kick out of this new guerrilla advertising for Mercedes-Benz. To launch their new 2012 C-Class Coupe, they worked with BBDO Toronto, Canada to come up with this creative idea. A Benz was parked in front of a motion blurred wall, sidewalk, and billboard that read: “Looks fast. Even in park. The 450hp 2012 C-Class Coupe.”

To complete the motion-blur illusion, 3D models of a motion blurred fire hydrant, parking sign, and mailbox were created to be part of the street scene. How I’d love to see this in person.

Though Ads of the World readers believe that this concept has been done before, you’ve still got to give the creative minds behind this one credit for such a spot-on execution.

via [The Inspiration Room]

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