It’s amazing what worlds can be created simply with a computer. Eugene Soloviev is a young digital artist based in Russia who uses his self-taught skills to create wildly surreal images. What began as a joke, in which he would cut out objects and placed them in obscure locations using photo editing tools like Photoshop and Corel Painter, has turned into a true craft.
His unearthly images take the viewer into an immensely creative realm where men walk on the side of buildings and grand pianos fly in the air. What’s especially fascinating is how he incorporates his characters into an architectural environment. The relationship between the cityscape and the subject is unconventional. In fact, in some cases, it seems as though the architecture is the subject and everything else is an accessory to the image. The fictional urban landscapes add to the apparent science-fictional narrative that plays out in Soloviev’s work. There is almost an apocalyptic feel that has left this alternate universe isolated and unusual. I’m not sure if I want to be there, but I certainly want to look.