Artist Turns Pictures into Paintings

Have you ever thought about turning one of your memorable pictures into a work of art? If so, you’ll want to know the name Paul Ferney. He’s the artist behind Commission Project; it’s where Paul creates limited-edition paintings from a picture you provide.

I caught up with Paul to ask him a few questions about this interesting project.

Please tell us about The Commission Project. How did it start?
It started because my wife and I were talking about how art can seem so inaccessible. Most artists don’t have prices on their websites and so to even find out if a piece of art is in your budget you have to email someone. Galleries are stores pretending to be museums and can also feel out of reach. We thought, if we set up a system where there doesn’t have to be a lot of back and forth between the artist and the collector, then we’re able to offer a really amazing value on the paintings. We do it once a year before the holidays, this is our second year.

How many oil paintings have you created to date?
Last year I painted 200. It was such a great exercise for me as an artist because I was painting so much during that time that I could actually see my style and technique change. I really enjoyed it and can’t wait to do it again. Overall I’ve been painting in earnest for the last 12 years.

Why do you think people like seeing their pictures turned into art?
Design in general usually has a short shelf life, whether it’s a website or a billboard. With art you use mediums that will last for centuries. It’s intended to last forever. I think people like seeing something so personal turned into a painting that is meant to last.

What’s been your favorite piece?
This probably changes every time I look through the photos of all the paintings. Right now two of my favorites are the little cowboy we used for the header of the website, and the old car in front of the green sky that’s in the gallery. I really like how the little cowboy is a nice combination of color, narrative, and paint quality.

How much does it cost?
In a gallery they are priced at $450 for the Commission Project we offer them at $240 and that includes domestic shipping and a frame. There is a limited number though. Last year they sold out in four days.

Head to The Commission Project for more details.

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