Saul Bass Meets Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Many of today’s artists and designers have and will always be inspired by the one and only Saul Bass, an American graphic designer and filmmaker who was best known for designing innovative title sequences and posters for movies like North by Northwest, Vertigo, and Psycho.

Nathan Boyd is one of Bass’ admirers. “Saul Bass just blows my mind!,” he tells us. “His style is so simple yet so complex! It really captures the feeling of the time those movies were made but, at the same time, works really well today. How is that possible?!”

Boyd, who you may remember as the one behind that clever Disney x Star mashup series, has been creating Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles posters in Saul Bass’ trademark style. Why did he choose to illustrate these famous turtles?

“TMNT practically was my childhood,” Boyd says. “There is so much nostalgia connected with TMNT for me. I’m a Star Wars fan, first and foremost, but the Ninja Turtles was something that I shared with my brothers growing up. We not only enjoyed the cartoon, but also the comics, the action figures (no matter how ridiculous) and quoting the first movie almost line for line. It’s impossible, for me, to think of TMNT without thinking about all the good times I had with my brothers.”

Boyd has plans to create one poster for each of the turtles and possibly one more for Shredder. “Still thinking about that one,” he says. Love how they bring you right back to your childhood.

Nathan H. Boyd’s website

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