Clever Packaging for Elastic Bands

This elastic band packaging by Ric Bixter is making its way around the web for its cleverness and simplicity. Without ever having to experience the product, the consumer quickly get to see what it’s all about. Though some may laugh, this is really an idea that could go places.

Here’s Bixter describing it: “The brief was to go into the pound shop and pick out something that seemed dull and completely re-think the packaging of it,” he said. “The idea is that the elastic band in the middle squeezes in the box and the strong the band, the most the box is squeezed.”

I really enjoyed one of the comments left on Lovely Package: “This is great work – combining packaging form with product attributes and finding a way to bring the product out of the pack is really inspired,” said Adam Heath.

“I can imagine brand managers of diet packet soups, lite-bite chocolates and other slimmers products taking note. The concept is a little like the Special K innovation with the scalloped side, but it takes things several notches further. One to watch if Ric seeks further packaging projects.”

Ric Bixter’s website
via [NotCot], [Quipsologies]

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