You know the saying, “it runs in the family”? Well, for Eduardo Diaz Bourgeot, the saying holds true. Madrid native-Bourgeot is a third generation photographer who specializes in advertising. He began his career at the age of 19, and since then has been creating photos rich with humor. What I enjoy most about his work is that he puts a surreal spin on everyday objects, showing us what would happen if we let our imaginations run free.
When Imaginations Run Free
You know the saying, “it runs in the family”? Well, for Eduardo Diaz Bourgeot, the saying holds true. Madrid native-Bourgeot is a third generation photographer who specializes in advertising. He began his career at the age of 19, and since then has been creating photos rich with humor. What I enjoy most about his work is that he puts a surreal spin on everyday objects, showing us what would happen if we let our imaginations run free.