Beautiful Ballpoint Pen Art (12 pieces)

Today, I am swept away by Vanessa Prager’s beautiful ballpoint pen art on vintage sheet music. Using only blue and red ballpoint pen, she created a wonderful series called Love You Too with both art and music in mind.

“I have been trying to work with the concept of not using objects or things that imply too much of their own individual meaning, but while still working to create a narrative– mainly with light and darkness, energy, emotion, etc,” she says. “Also, I think there’s something about the way a person’s mind works that if you give it just enough information, it will fill in the rest. Like in music, played well, with rhythm and beats, if you skip a beat, it only serves to draws the listener in closer. It can be magnetic. So the “unfinished” parts were me trying to relay that using only ballpoint pens and paper.”

Vanessa Prager’s website

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