Just what does your avatar say about you? In a virtual world full of fantasy and make-believe we’re allowed to create an avatar that represents who we want to be. Photojournalist Robbie Cooper finds out the stories behind these avatars, giving us a rare, inside look into the creators’ motivation and desires.
“I spent..three years, on and off, travelling to places like Korea, China, France and Germany to photograph people who use virtual world games. By recording the appearance of the real person, alongside that of their avatar, I wanted to compare each person with the identity that they’d created to interact with others online.”
To find out more, you can check out his book, Alter Ego. The book provides vital statistics (who they are, where they live, game played, etc.) and each person interviewed also explains, in their own words, the thought process that went into making their avatar and what it (and online role play gaming in general) means to their lives.