Sweet 4-Year-Old Girl Draws Until She Falls Asleep

After a number of frustrating evenings where 4-year-old Riley (aka Roozle) wanted to stay up past her bedtime, mommy blogger Casey Carey-Brown and wife MCB developed an innovative way to get their daughter to stay put in bed until she settled down to sleep.

Since Roozle can’t read yet, a bedtime book wasn’t the best option. So Carey-Brown handed her daughter some paper and a number of drawing supplies. The young artist was happily distracted and many of her clever stalling tactics began to fade away. Mom had a few minutes to herself and Roozle was happy with her drawings.

The process has become a routine in the Boston household and every evening when Carey-Brown checks on Roozle, she photographs her daughter asleep next to the partially completed illustrations.

Carey-Brown said, “She’s so busy with her drawings, she forgets to ask us all the questions. When it’s time for bed, she goes to bed and stays there. She’s excited about her drawing time. I’m excited about my couch time. It rules.”

Life with Roozle
via [Huffington Post]

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