3D Printed Planets Let You Hold the Solar System in the Palm of Your Hands

3D printed solar system models

Ever wanted to have the world in the palm of your hand? Or capture stars in a bottle? Little Planet Factory, based in the UK, lets you do just that with their collection of 3D printed planets and moons.

Founder George Ioannidis started the company after searching for a Mars globe and not finding anything to his liking. Combining his love for 3D printing and space, Little Planet Factory was born. The printed spheres come in a variety of sizes, from 2.5 inches to 7.8 inches in diameter.

Both individual planets and sets of the solar system are available, including the adorable solar system in a bottle. Whether looking for a set of planetary models that are to scale or wanting to reach out and touch Jupiter’s moons, it’s all possible.

Prices range from $13 for tiny planets up to $200 for the full solar system to scale. Commissions are also possible and products can be purchased via Etsy or the Little Planet Factory website.

These planetary models come in an assortment of sizes and sets.

3D printed solar system models3D printed planetary models3D printed models of the solar system3D printed solar system models3D printing planetary models3D printing planetary models3D printing planetary models3D printed planetary models3D printed models of the solar system3D printed models of the solar system3D printed models of the solar systemLittle Planet Factory: Website | Facebook | Etsy
h/t: [So Super Awesome]

All images via Little Planet Factory.

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