3D Holographic Glass Paintings (16 pieces)

Columbian artist Yosman Botero likes to think beyond 2D. Painting on multiple Plexiglas sheets, he creates three-dimensional holographic images. The resulting works are full of depth, original, and intriguing. I caught up with Yosman to ask him a few questions: Can you please give us a brief description about yourself? I was born in Cucuta, a little town placed at the north of Colombia. Nowadays, I live in Medellin; it’s where I studied Fine Arts at the University of Antioquia. I graduated in July of 2010, but for approximately one year I’ve been dedicated full-time to the production of my personal work, which includes drawing, painting, photography, installation, and video. I always try to give each aspect of my work the proper time so that the whole of it can reach a constant development. Can you please explain your process? Common Things and Condensation are experimental processes where I use layers to transform the image into a holographic simulation. Through the succession of several two-dimensional elements, I create a three-dimensional painting. The Common Things series refers to a game, where some characters meet with ambiguous and absurd situations. In Condensations, by using layers, I create a more dense atmosphere so that characters seem to be submerged in their own breathing. In the series Dissolutions, I attempt to expand painting towards space. By dividing the pictorial elements that together create a whole painting, I create a realistic atmosphere that pushes the boundaries of traditional painting. What I truly search for in my landscapes is the ambiguity of the representation of a city. It could be any city in the world; one that anyone could relate to in their own everyday life. What are some common themes in your work? Space, time, waiting, dimensions of space, simulation, and games. Who are you inspired by? I have been inspired by the Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges, and the work of some visual artists such as Gaspar David Friederich, Doris Salcedo, Liliana Porter, Icaro Zorbar, and Arthur Ganson, among others. Common Things



Yosman Botero

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