22 of the Coolest Sculptures You’ll Ever See

Today, we’ve compiled an extensive list of 22 modern day sculptures that are as cool as they are freaky. These three-dimensional pieces of art are mind-blowing not just because of the materials that have been used but because they leave an indelible mark on our memory. From the hyper-realistic sculptures from Ron Mueck and Duane Hanson to the magically moving sculptures of Peter Jansen and Sal Hernndez, each piece tells an interesting story. It is only through our shared experiences that we come to appreciate how sculptures have evolved as an art form as we reflect on the meaning of each visual piece.

Ron Mueck

Materials used: Mixed Media [link]

Nathan Sawaya

Material used: LEGO bricks [link]

Peter Jansen

Material used: Polyamide [link]

Sal Hernndez

Material used: Bronze [link]

Gerry Judah

Material used: Steel [link]

Jason de Caires

Materials used: Cement, sand, micro silica, fibre glass, ceramic tiles, live coral [link]

Chris Dorosz

Materials used: Splotches of acrylic paint on hung monofilament. [link]

Peter Callesen

Materials used: Paper and glue [link]

Makoto Tojiki

Materials used: Hanging LED threads [link]

Thomas Broome

Materials used: Paint and polymer [link]

Mark Jenkins

Material used: Packaging tape in clothing [link]

David Mach

Materials used: Coat hangers [link]

Susy Oliveira

Materials used: C-prints and foamcore [link]

Duane Hanson

Materials used: Autobody filler,fibreglass and mixed media, polychromed bronze with accessories [link]

Kittiwat Unarrom

Material used: Bread [Link]

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