19-Year-Old Rising Star Photographer

The youth these days are extremely talented and passionate about art. For 19-year-old Jenny Woods, also known as Bunny Jenny, she proclaims that “photography is my everything.””For me, photography isn’t just a desperate dream or a fallback,” she shares on her site. “It isn’t a way of avoiding college or burning free time. For me, photography is everything. It’s not a hope for my future, it is my future; even if it lands me 50 years into the future still looking for that ‘lucky break’ that has yet to make its way to my doorstep.”

Her “lucky break” is happening right now. Her work has been featured on such reputable sites as Vogue. Jenny’s incredible eye for beauty and her will to excel has garnered her some well-deserved praise.

rpfjehjqvr5kprx-4xci_1082081257Jenny Woods (Bunny Jenny)’s website

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