19 More Amazing Paintings, Not Photos

Easily one of the most popular posts on theMET to date is 19 Amazing Paintings, Not Photos. Over 200,000 people have visited this one page alone and just when we think it has reached its full potential, and breathed its last breathe, it comes raging back.

Now that it’s almost a full 10 months to the day of this post, I thought I would update it with some new and exciting work. While some are brand new oil paintings created this year by artists we know and love, still others are from new artists we have yet explored.

Take a look, below, you’ll see how each artist has their own, unique style. Whether it’s Italian realist painter, Luigi Benedicenti, making our mouths water with his glazed desserts or Eric Zener making us long for a cool dip on this hot summer day, one thing is certain. We’re left speechless at the work and detail that goes into making these amazing paintings, not photos. Enjoy!

Luigi Benedicenti

[Via Bernaducci Meisel Gallery]

Roberto Bernardi


Lee Price


Eric Zener


Cheryl Kelley


Hilo Chen

[Via Bernaducci Meisel Gallery]

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