19 Awesome Pieces at the Hello Kitty Art Show

Camilla d’Errico

Yesterday, I made my way to Royal-T for Hello Kitty’s kick-ass art show, Three Apples. What can I tell you? I was blown away! There was not only amazing artwork from some of our favorite artists, there were collectibles and memorabilia everywhere. Japan LA, a store in Los Angeles, curated the show and my, what a good job they did.

If you get a chance, I’d highly recommend dropping by Royal-T to experience it all for yourself. But if you can’t make your way to sunny California anytime soon, I hope you enjoy these 19 pieces I selected as the best of the best.

Madoka Kinoshita

Tim Diet

Buff Monster

Buff Monster

Jason Mecier

Martin Hsu

Yumiko Kayukawa

Yoskay Yamamoto

Tara McPherson

Shane Jessup


Mari Inukai

Travis Louie

Edwin Ushiro

Ron English

Luke Chueh

Colin Christian

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