12 Creative Photo Series That Will Inspire You to Express Yourself

Each photography series showcases inspiring ways viewers can master their own creativity.

Make Unexpected Street Art

Inspired by everyday thoughts, Katie Sokoler and Matt Adams attach symbolic and strategically-placed thought bubbles to Brooklyn’s architecture. As people pass their street art, they take pictures, capturing the perfectly-timed encounters.

Find the Art in Science

Caleb Charland demonstrates lessons in physics and mathematics with his mind-blowing photography. Inspired by children’s books filled with science experiments, Charland photographs everyday objects— including matches, pens, and mirrors—in ways we’ve never imagined, often using a multiple exposure technique to tell the story.

Make Kitsch Cool

When many people visit landmarks or tourist attractions, they take home little souvenirs to remind them of their trips and travels. Michael Hughes, however, takes this trend a step further by blending world famous landmarks with cheap souvenirs in his clever kitsch photos. [Link]

Play With Toys (Yes, Toys!)

Created by DocChewbacca, Stormtroopers 365 is a photo project starring the Star Wars staples. The project began on April 3, 2009 and ended on April 2, 2010. Each day, a new picture was added to the stellar series.

Find Compelling Stories Where Most People Wouldn’t Look

If these old hands could speak, just what would they say? What incredible stories would they tell? In a series in which we are left with more questions than answers, Alex (known as Algo on Flickr) shows us just how powerful faceless photos can be. For years, he took pictures of aging hands, sometimes accompanying the pieces with simple stories.

Notice Symbolism

It’s a familiar tale you hear all the time: what starts out as an accident turns into something amazing. This was the case for Kevin Day, a graphic designer who created a beautiful and moving story about one dead tree.


This post has been updated.

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