Dog Lover Celebrates 100th Birthday Petting 200+ Dogs After Daughter Tells Community About Her Dad

Making it to a 100 years old is a feat that is worthy of a parade. For a Bay Area man, this came true in the best way possible. Dr. Robert Moore is a lifelong dog lover, so for his milestone birthday, his daughter Alison came up with an idea. The woman posted on Nextdoor asking people to bring their dogs in front of their house to wish her dad a happy birthday. Hoping that he would get to greet maybe 20 to 30 dogs, she was taken aback when 200 pups showed up to the celebration.

What was envisioned as a modest get-together quickly escalated into a full-on parade, as the line of dogs waiting to be pet by Moore stretched all the way around the block and down the street. Pups of all kinds made an appearance. While some simply showed up as if they were out for a regular walk, others wore their Sunday best, donning tuxedos or cowboy hats. A few dogs walked down pulling carts with messages for Moore, while others arrived in classic cars that had been decorated for the occasion.

“My father, he was so touched. He pet every single dog that came through. Every person brought the dog up to him. It was so lovely,” Alison told NBC Bay Area. The humans who showed up for the celebration also did their part, bringing him flowers, cupcakes, and drawings. In the end, they all signed a large blue card that was set up by the family.

This was a memorable celebration not only for Moore and his family, but for all involved. As the story went viral, the birthday dog parade also became something people hope to see one day in their own lives. One Twitter user said, “This is what I would also ask for if I made it to 100.” Seeing how happy Moore was, it seems like a great way to celebrate a milestone birthday.

Dog lover Dr. Robert Moore recently turned 100 years old. For his milestone birthday, his daughter Alison asked people to bring their dogs in front of their house for her dad to pet.

Hoping that he would get to greet maybe 20 to 30 dogs, she was taken aback when 200 pups showed up to the celebration.

What was envisioned as a modest get-together quickly escalated into a full-on dog parade, as the line of dogs waiting to be pet by Moore stretched all the way around the block and down the street.

h/t: [NBC Bay Area]

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